We Interrupt The Classic Tales Blog for SCULPTURE!

As some of you may know, one of B.J.'s many talents is scenery sculpture and scenic painting. And Halloween is showtime! Here are some pictures, plus a little narrative from our guide through literature about B.J.'s latest adventure outside books! He promises more when the park opens tonight. Hands down, my favorite is the blue gargoyle which so freaked out the patron! Here is B.J.: Well, here are some photos of some of the work I'm doing right now. Apart from the Classic Tales Podcast, David Copperfield and another audiobook I've commissioned, I'm working at Evermore Theme Park. This is preliminary work for a 30 acre theme park, which will be the largest Haunt in the US. It will be in Pleasant Grove, Utah. A good friend of mine, Cory Clawson, sculpted these pieces. They are cast of fiberglass and polyurethane. I painted the gargoyles to look like blue granite. The shrouded woman has a bronze patina. The client wanted them to look really a...