Edgar Allan Poe's The Masque of the Red Death - Free Release Through The Classic Tales Podcast

This story revolves around Prince Prospero's attempt at hiding himself and some of his wealthy friends from a plague within the rooms of his abbey. It doesn't end well.
Although some critics warn against reading the story allegorically, I honestly don't know how you can avoid it. B.J.'s introduction to the story is very helpful in understanding some of the symbolism Poe uses:
• Consider the symbolism of the rooms. They are placed east to west. East is traditionally considered having to do with birth, while - the blue room, which is furthest to the east, represents birth or beginnings. Things that vanish in the west typically have to do with endings, even as the sun sets. So the suite of rooms is allegorical in nature, and represents the progression of life

• The Clock – symbolism of how time marches on, and we see how time cannot be escaped, though we try to hide from the plagues of the world outside.

• The Red Death – symbolizes death, of course. As far as scholars who have studied the story can make out, the disease described as The Red Death is entirely a fictional creation of Poe. Pretty horrible way to die.
• There is also apocalyptic symbolism here. The phrase “like a thief in the night” is taken from the Bible. It is from the first letter to the Thessalonians from Paul, and Paul is speaking of the last judgment. This is Biblically referred to as a time when the world is chaotic, decadent, topsy-turvy and raucous.
If you enjoyed being terrified by this story, check out The Edgar Allan Poe Collection, and get $3 off by using the code: POE. Also, if you own the Classic Tales App (available for iOS and Android) you get The Tell-Tale Heart, which you probably haven't read since high school, and trust me, this one gets better with age!
Oh, and just because, let me leave you with this meme:
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