Mark Twain's The Stolen White Elephant - Free Release Through The Classic Tales Podcast
Cover from the first edition |
B.J. Harrison has been thinking about producing this story for about three years. I take full credit (not really) for nudging him on a recent facebook post.
The story is about a white elephant meant as a gift to the Queen of England from the Emperor of India. Somehow, this animal, we'll call him Jumbo for the sake of brevity, disappears somewhere in New Jersey, and hilarity ensues.
Does this sound silly? That's because this story is a farce, a light dramatic work in which highly improbable plot situations, exaggerated characters, and often slapstick elements are used for humorous effect.* In these kinds of works, the plot is so incredibly convoluted, that the audience often gets lost along the way. That's what makes it hilarious. One of B.J.'s favorite farces is The Great Race, an incredibly funny film filled with outlandish characters that are only surpassed by the story in which they get caught! A more contemporary example, and one of my favorites, is Ferris Buller's Day Off. You get the idea.
If you enjoyed this title, check out Oscar Wilde's "The Canterbury Ghost," or "The Sensational Baron von Munchausen," by Rudolph E. Raspe.
Speaking of Audiobooks produced by B.J. Harrison, you will all be happy to know that this is now his full time job! He's got at least two month's worth of work right now. "Let's hope the pattern of success will continue!" he said. Leave him a note on this blog post to wish him a long, long, long streak of success!
* From:
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